Keep Your Home’s Exterior in Excellent Working Condition

Posted by SRQ Wash on September 30, 2022

All of your home’s exterior components have a certain shelf life, after which point they will deteriorate and require replacement. The good news, however, is that you can extend that shelf life with solid upkeep practices, including professional cleaning services. We all want to maximize the life expectancy of our roofs, siding, concrete patios, and other components, which is entirely possible if you follow this advice.

Fix any Holes You Find

All of us know you cannot allow holes in your walls, roof, doors, windows, or anywhere else. It’s easy to neglect the obvious problems, however. In the Sarasota area, you’ll want to keep an eye out for holes, cracks, and splitting. This is a big problem for wooden, vinyl, fiberglass, stucco, and other materials. Since we regularly endure hurricanes, thunderstorms, and lots of humidity we know we have to expect these difficulties.

Sometimes, the best way to address such problems is to soft wash your home to get rid of stains, pests, and unwanted elements, without going too hard on the material itself. We have lots of ways to clean your exterior without exacerbating cracks and holes.

Remove the Filthy Dirt, Mold, and Grime

Imagine what happens if you don’t wash the nasty foreign substances off your home siding. They accumulate and get worse over time, and actually present a huge health hazard to you and your family. It’s not safe to allow algae or black mold (AKA, toxic mold) to remain on your siding for months unattended. Eventually, it can spread into the interior components of your home (dry walls, for instance), and cause you to get sick. Once it gets to that point, you’ll have a much harder time fixing the problem.

Don’t Become Complacent

We’ve noticed that many homeowners have premium siding, roofing, or concrete material, but rely on the manufacturer warranty as an excuse not to take care of things. Yes, there are amazing new siding technologies, like fiber-cement material, that provide a much better life expectancy than old-school vinyl. This should not lead to complacency, however, because even strong synthetic materials deteriorate over time, and at a much faster rate if you never clean or repaint them.

We recommend researching the proper maintenance instructions for every exterior component. Call us for help with the more arduous tasks such as roof cleaning, paver cleaning, and driveway cleaning. It’s well worth the investment.

You can get these tasks done fast and effectively when you hire the trustworthy services of SRQ Wash. We perform exterior cleaning work, like pressure washing, for both residential and commercial clients in the Sarasota area. Don’t allow your home to lose curb appeal and value because of simple neglect. Contact us anytime for expert cleaning at 941-400-4496.

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